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It was, for lack of anything better, amazing.And throughout watching this program, which deserves many awards(Dianne, I'm looking in your direction), I felt sad for myself. Sad about the fact that fatty ratty now, in my mid-twenties, I'm too old to go to fat camp. I know fatty ratty I can go to a fat farm, but not camp. I feel that I lost out on a major experience in my life. One where as an awkward, fat teenager, fatty ratty I could have gone and been around other awkwardly fat teenagers, instead of the skinny friends (one being 5'11" and 125lbs and one being the track star of our school) I acquired in high school. I really feel, looking back, about how amazing an opportunity something like that is, and I was totally jealous of these kids.For some reason, unknown to me, I seem to surround myself with skinny folk. Actually, really skinny folk. I can't help it and I don't know if I do it on purpose. I cannot imagine how AWESOME it would be to go to a place where everybody knows your name, they're always glad you came, and where troubles are all the same.