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EXd=document;EXw?"":EXw="na";EXb?"":EXb="na"; EXd.write("");//--> March 18, 2006 Weight: 229 - Pounds left to lose: 69 Holy crap! 229? How'd that happen? That's six pounds less than last week and it's not even that time nonalcoholic fatty liver of the month. My only possible explanation on this one is that I didn't eat very much on Monday or Tuesday because I was stressed about buying my first car. My mom and I tend to lose our appetites when we're anxious. She lost nonalcoholic fatty liver 30 pounds alone when my dad left us. Nothing like the all stress diet. I hear it's nonalcoholic fatty liver bad for the immune system though, so I wouldn't recommend it. I was thinking more about my pants last night, wondering if I indeed was in denial about what size I am. If I went shopping in Chicago, would I be one of those poor saps pulled aside by the Oprah makeover crew when they're doing a "What not to wear" show? As I was moving my laundry basket this morning, I saw the box of old clothes sitting beneath it and pulled out my old corduroy pants a.k.a.