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Well, as long as you keep posting on this topic, you are - that's for sure. I know burn fat that you think you can gain some political advantage out of this issue, but anyone who makes remarks as crude as the one you made burn fat on the subsequent thread clearly has no particular concerns about proper "ettiguette." People made political remarks at burn fat the funeral of a woman who devoted her life to a political process. All her friends and family in attendance felt the remarks were appropriate - in fact, they stood up and cheered the remarks. First of all, it is obnoxious for you to think that you have the right to tell someone what they should and shouldn't say at someone's funeral (in fact, it's bad ettiquette). That is the right of the family and friends of the deceased. And they LOVED the comments. "Get over it." Secondly, who do you think you're fooling with the protestion about "ettiquette?"