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The only thing that would perpetuate fat cock fuck this story is for Harry Whittington to take a sudden turn for the worse. Nobody wants that. Hasn't the man given enough of himself for the amusement of a grateful nation? Elmer isn't as troubled by the inconsistencies or the vice president's fat cock fuck arrogance as we are, clearly. But, as we've said before, calling on this White House to be more open is like calling on Donovan McNabb to run more -- fat cock fuck a waste of time. The only way to reform this administration is to get rid of it. If Dick Cheney truly insists on hunting, he should go after this Byrd. Should Philly be on full-time Candid Camera? Voters may get to decide in May. And Paul Waldman returns to debunk the Coretta Scott King funeral bashers. Posted on February 17, 2006 11:43 AM Comments "NONE OF THEM complained that Ronald Reagan's funeral - a made-for-TV event planned for years by Republicans, in which no Democrats were invited to participate - was too "political," despite the fact that President Bush spoke (in a campaign year) and GOP strategists publicly expressed their hopes that it would help Bush's re-election."