The Fatslayer Chronicles 14.12.2005 diet plump naked

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The plump naked Fatslayer Chronicles 14.12.2005 at 20:17 The Real McCoy by: Fatslayer Today's Weight 176.5 lbs  ********* It’s finally becoming noticeable that I’m losing weight, and occasionally I get a thrilling little surprise when I catch sight plump naked of myself in a mirror and see that I’m actually not all that big any more.   I went clothes shopping at the weekend, and all the sizes I initially chose to try on were too large – obviously I’m still looking at myself through my fat goggles. I need to lose those and start seeing myself as I plump naked really am.   It’s weird, because when I was getting bigger I was in denial, and totally underestimated how hefty I was looking, whereas now that I’m losing weight I keep on overestimating how large I still am.
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