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The survey, which categorized respondents into six fitness profiles, identified 17 percent as "Abracadabras": people who are out of shape and would prefer to take a magic pill to slim down. “I firmly believe that if exercise could be packaged in a pill it pout plump would be the most widely prescribed pill the world’s ever seen,” Bryant says. (Don't hold your breath though.) Another pout plump 12 percent of survey respondents were classified as "Sitcom Skeptics," people who pride themselves on not falling for the fitness craze. Thirteen percent were "Woulda-Shouldas," who understand the importance of exercise but pout plump still don't do it as often as they should. On a positive note, 15 percent of respondents were "Conscientious Preventors," those who exercise regularly to stave off health problems and 15 percent were "Balanced Holistics," who exercise for their health and well-being.