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So he turns on the tv to drown out her noise, only I think he gets wrapped up in the tv shows because last night when he finally turned the tv off sometime around 3:00 he was sound asleep .00001 seconds later, leaving me to twiddle my thumbs in the darkness while I listened to his snores. I was surprised to feel only semi zombie-like when my alarm went fat plump off at 5:00 today, and although I briefly entertained the thought of calling my boss and fat plump saying I’d be in late, fat plump I decided not to and just got ready as usual. Had a really, really good workout yesterday and still feel it in my legs this morning. Will go again today and tomorrow, but probably not Friday since I’ll be house cleaning all afternoon. However, come to think about it, the way I felt after last week’s cleaning it’s a workout in itself! Finally decided that for the party on Saturday we’re going to serve pizza along with all the snacky things we have.