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All the "fat positive" people out there can tout how it is possible to be healthy and fat, and I will call bullshit on them EVERY TIME. I know how it feels to be fat. I know how it feels to carry big n plump literally an big n plump extra person on your body. It is NOT something that big n plump is normal, nor "ok". I know it is hard to look at yourself and really see what you look like. I was in denial for years. I look at those pictures and think WHY DIDN'T PEOPLE TELL ME. You're 25. You're young enough to make a chance and reclaim your body. The longer you wait, the more damage you do. The amount of plastic surgery I need, just to deal with the rashes I am getting from the extra skin I have, is frightening. I wish I had the courage at 25 to have had my surgery. 3:12 PM K.T.Smith said... not many people can say they are happy with their naked body, regardless of how thin they are.