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I think there’s an plump tgp interesting parallel to what Deepak plump tgp Chopra talks about in Peace is the Way. In it, he suggests that the only thing we can do when faced with such a difficult circumstance is to get enough people to make personal changes and essentially create a change in consciousness globally. He writes: If you and I plump tgp demonstrate that peace is more satisfying than war, the collective consciousness will shift. and (emphasis mine): The single best reason to become a peacemaker is that every other approach has failed. No one knows what the critical mass must be before the peace becomes the foundation of a new order; your duty and mine is to bring about change by personal transformation. The “war” on obesity is not dissimilar to other wars: there are lots of polarizing arguments like low-fat versus low-carb, personal responsibility versus government intervention, and fat acceptance versus fat discrimination.