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for his next project. fat girls having sex Oliver’s television reality show Jamie’s School Dinners exposed the “crap food” fed to crap-food–addicted U.K. school kids. Under pressure after airing of the series, Education Minister Angela Smith announced this week the banning of most junk fat girls having sex food in schools. Now Oliver is planning to bring his reality TV exposé approach to the United States. Initial scouting expeditions have confirmed the urgency of the situation in the United States: “I saw so many fat people over there and they’re dropping dead all over the f#%!ing place,” notes Oliver. “It’s such an fat girls having sex important project. Americans are so bloody unhealthy. We achieved such a lot in England with the school dinners campaign. Could we do the same in the States? Absolutely.” “Even if it took two years to make a US series, I’d still do it,” adds Oliver. “I’d drop everything because I’d feel it was my duty.”
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